Tally Schwenk press photo

Tally Schwenk and Mensing release a groovy electro-pop tune, entitled, “Foolish”

Tally Schwenk is a genre-bending singer-songwriter from Montclair, New Jersey. Mensing is a Hamburg-based producer from Oldenburg, Germany. Not too long ago, they released a groovy electro-pop tune, entitled, “Foolish.”

Tally Schwenk & Mensing – “Foolish” single

‘Foolish’ tells an intriguing tale about a young woman who shares a problematic relationship with her significant other. Apparently, her partner only comes around to have a good time, and that bothers her. Therefore, she postpones their upcoming good-time sessions and self-reflects on her ability to love her partner again.

‘Foolish’ contains a relationship-based narrative, ear-pleasing vocals, and tuneful melodies that will resonate well with fans of Debrah Jade, Sandra Grace, and SAPPHIRE. The likable tune possesses groovy instrumentation flavored with contemporary and electro-pop elements. Furthermore, “Foolish” serves as a tasty appetizer to what listeners can expect to hear from Tally Schwenk and Mensing in the near future as they continue to release new music.

“‘Cause you only come around for the good time, babe, not this time, baby.”

Tally Schwenk press photo
Photo by Jason Mukendi

Tally Schwenk is known for her mellow tone, impeccable ear for harmonies, and ability to transport listeners into her world through visual and metaphorical songwriting. Tally boasts unmatched versatility acquired over the past 15+ years, executing any genre she touches with perfection. She can write anywhere from alternative and contemporary R&B to indie and electro-pop. Also, she can blend soul with laid-back beats, creating what you could consider lo-fi R&B.

“Truth is you’re looking kinda foolish tonight. Beggars can’t be choosers, baby.”

Tally Schwenk & Mensing - “Foolish” song cover art

We recommend adding Tally Schwenk’s and Mensing’s “Foolish” single to your favorite electro-pop playlist. Also, let us know how you feel about it in the comment section below. Mel Blanc’s famous catchphrase, “That’s All Folks!” Thanks for reading another great article on Bong Mines Entertainment – the hot spot for new music. Furthermore, always remember that (P) Positive, (E) Energy, (A) Always, (C) Creates, (E) Elevation (P.E.A.C.E).

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