Sandflower press photo

Sandflower releases a feel-good pop anthem, entitled, “Everyday Saturday”

Sandflower (@sandflowerpower) is a rising artist from Brooklyn, New York. Not too long ago, she released a feel-good pop anthem, titled,  “Everyday Saturday.”

Sandflower – “Everyday Saturday” single

‘Everyday Saturday’ is the epitome of a musical rollercoaster. Combing warped synths, electronic-tinged vocals, and a rap interlude, listeners will be thrown into a trance and dancing until dawn.

Sandflower’s pristine vocals only elevate this feel-good, groovy track. Through her enchanting melodies and evocative lyrics, Sandflower creates an immersive musical experience that provides excitement and renewal to the listener. As she sings about good vibes and keeping your head held high, the sonic beats inspire a high-spirited effervescence that is truly infectious.

The musical journey is enhanced when Sandflower raps, “I’m kinda lost and I don’t know why. Don’t know which way to go but I keep my head held up high. Everybody keeps shouting and I don’t hear a thing. I’m just floating along.” “Everyday Saturday” is a beautiful dichotomy from the blissful pop tune heard throughout.

“I’m kinda lost and I don’t know why.”

Sandflower press photo

“‘Everyday Saturday’ is a song I wrote in a lightning flash of effervescent inspiration. It’s like the feeling of drinking strawberry iced tea on a hot day and all of a sudden not only are you refreshed but you can literally take over the world. And that’s the feeling of Everyday Saturday: deciding no matter what is going on around you or what day of the week it is – today is absolutely the day to play with a puppy, wear your favorite outfit, and be carefree and confident- that’s exactly what you’re going to do and there’s nothing anyone can do that’s going to stop your flow!” – Sandflower

With “Everyday Saturday,” Sandflower invites listeners to dive into a sea of soul-searching and emerge stronger, empowered, and free-spirited. This song is a sanctuary for those seeking an escape from all of the background noise. The timeless melodies are sure to leave an indestructible mark on the hearts of music enthusiasts around the world.

‘Everyday Saturday’ will be featured in “The List,” an upcoming Universal Pictures comedy film releasing in August 2023. Directed by Melissa Miller Constanzo, the film follows Abby Meyers (Halston Sage), who sets out to Los Angeles, seeking revenge on her fiancé who cheated on her with a celebrity. ‘The List’ stars Halston Sage (X-Men: Dark Phoenix), Greg Sulkin (Pretty Little Liars), Lucy DeVito (Deadbeat), Will Peltz (Unfriended), and Christian Navarro (13 Reasons Why).

“Everybody keeps shouting but I don’t hear a thing.”

Sandflower press photo

Some of Sandflower’s notable performances include Saturday Night Live (Dua Lipa), Moma Ps1, opening for Lindsey Stirling, curating and performing at The National Arts Club, and her many performances at the iconic Susanne Bartch On Top in the Boom Boom Room at The Standard.

A multi-disciplinary visionary – the Sandflower sound is eclectic and powerful with a mystical essence. Fascinated by quantum physics, and inspired by high fashion and fine art, Sandflower speaks to those who stand out because they’re different, and her message is to embrace that difference.

“I might even run for President.”

Sandflower press photo

Sandflower was born in Brooklyn to a Rock & Roll singer and a visual artist. The dichotomy of her private school upbringing and immersion in the New York music scene exposed her to different ways of seeing the world, which has informed her unique musical style.

Sandflower is inspired by Jimi Hendrix, Cindy Sherman, Salvador Dali, and Allen Ginsberg; and enthralled by myths, legends, and the power of quantum physics. She combines visions from her meditations to create a cross-genre, multidimensional sound experience.

Sandflower’s songs can currently be heard on film and television, including the hit Netflix movie, “To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before 3,” and commercials for Evian and Sprayground, which she did with Wyclef. Sandflower’s new album, “The Quantum Seed,” speaks to the awakening of the self and is a manifestation of the vision for her otherworldly sound.

Sandflower – “Everyday Saturday” single

Sandflower - “Everyday Saturday” cover art

We recommend adding Sandflower’s “Everyday Saturday” single to your favorite contemporary pop playlist. Also, let us know how you feel in the comment section below. Mel Blanc’s famous catchphrase, That’s All Folks! Thanks for reading another great article on Bong Mines Entertainment – the hot spot for new music and entertainment news. Always remember that (P) Positive, (E) Energy, (A) Always, (C) Creates, (E) Elevation (P.E.A.C.E). Contact us on social media via Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, or Facebook, and let us know what’s going on. Also, don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter, purchase our merchandise, and become a Patron of Bong Mines Entertainment. Disclaimer: This post contains Apple Music affiliate links. We may earn an affiliate commission when you buy through links on our site. That little compensation will be used towards keeping this website up and running.

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