Sahana Naresh press photo

Sahana Naresh releases a breezy indie-folk tune, entitled, “Shore Out of Reach”

Sahana Naresh is an independent singer-songwriter from India. Not too long ago, she released a breezy indie-folk tune, entitled, “Shore Out of Reach.”

Sahana Naresh – “Shore Out of Reach” single

“In “Shore Out of reach,” I explore my whimsical journey on a magical boat made out of two large seashells to a pristine beach adorned by tangerine sunsets and peachy skies. A sailor takes me to the future in his time machine, where I live in a township by the ocean. While it may be a cliché, it’s my happy-place cliché and it has drawn me back home and I could not be more content.” – Sahana Naresh explained

‘Shore Out of Reach’ contains a dreamy narrative, ear-pleasing vocals, and tuneful melodies that will resonate well with fans of Colbie Caillat, Ingrid Michelson, and Regina Spektor. The Island-friendly tune possesses warm guitar-laden instrumentation flavored with a tropical indie-folk vibration. Furthermore, “Shore Out of Reach” is the title track of Sahana Naresh’s new EP, which features her “Milky Hands” single.

Sahana Naresh

Sahana Naresh press photo

“Growing up in the coastal city of Chennai, India, the beach has always been my happy place. Family vacations and memories as a child for Keshav (my cousin, producer and co-writer) and me were centered around the beautiful sandy beaches of Chennai & Mahabalipuram. There were times when I didn’t have the luxury of being close to the ocean and ‘Shore Out of Reach’ in some ways echoes those dreams of yearning and longing I had. There were winter days when I would look outside the window to see a slow drizzle and grey skies and I would dream about the sea breeze gently rocking my hammock, sun in my face, and the sand between my toes.” – Sahana Naresh explained

Sahana travels between Seattle and Chennai, pursuing her dual passion for soulful indie music and classical Hindustani vocals. She was born into a family of musicians and grew up viewing the world through melody and the mesmeric strings of her dad’s Veena. Also, her uncles were behind the pioneering ‘70s Indian rock band, Human Bondage.

Sahana listened to an eclectic array of music genres thanks to her parents and uncles. She grew up on Carnatic music intertwined with ‘70s rock and roll influences like The Beatles. Also, her cousin, Keshav Purushotham, a talented artist/producer, introduced her to The Strokes, Arctic Monkeys, and Phoenix.

“Shore Out of Reach” EP

Sahana Naresh - “Shore Out of Reach” EP cover art

We recommend adding Sahana Naresh’s “Shore Out of Reach” single to your favorite indie-folk playlist. Also, let us know how you feel in the comment section below. Mel Blanc’s famous catchphrase, “That’s All Folks!” Thanks for reading another great article on Bong Mines Entertainment – the hot spot for new music and song reviews. Furthermore, always remember that (P) Positive, (E) Energy, (A) Always, (C) Creates, (E) Elevation (P.E.A.C.E).

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