Polly Money press photo by Amber Felix
Photo by Amber Felix

Polly Money releases a music video for her debut single, entitled, “TWNTYS”

Polly Money is an up-and-coming singer-songwriter and guitarist based in London, England. Not too long ago, she released a music video for her debut single, entitled, “TWNTYS”.

Polly Money – “TWNTYS” music video

Polly Money - TWNTYS

“‘TWNTYS’ is a song about navigating through the time in your life where everything seems to come to head. Not just for you but for your friends as well. You’re fresh out of school, fresh out of another shitty breakup, and all those ‘plans you made of concrete don’t seem so steady’. Where time is no longer infinite and everyone’s getting on with their lives while you feel like you’re wasting yours. It’s no longer the beginner’s mind but the past hurts that start to shape the way you now approach relationships and life situations. It’s not all bad though ‘cause there’s always another someone to love and the hope that you’ll never be the only one feeling the way you do.” – Polly Money

‘TWNTYS’ contains a nostalgic narrative, pleasing vocals, and tuneful melodies. Also, the likable tune possesses moody instrumentation flavored with a warm indie-pop aroma.

Polly Money

Polly Money press photo

“My twenties were always something I couldn’t wait for. But when they arrived, I realized things didn’t suddenly become clear, but actually bought a whole load of grey areas that took me time to figure out. This song is for my friends and I who continue to get through it together with another drink and another late-night conversation.” – Polly Money

Polly Money is a name you should remember and an exciting new artist to watch.

So far, her magnetic performances have led to support slots with a slate of household names including Muse and Gabrielle Aplin to name but a few.

Also, she has been seen lending her guitar skills to singer-songwriter upstarts Denai Moore and Laurel.

Polly Money – “TWNTYS” single

Polly Money - “TWNTYS” cover

We recommend adding Polly Money’s “TWNTYS” single to your personal playlist. Also, let us know how you feel about it in the comment section below.

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