liv. press photo
Photo by Scout Hunt

liv. releases a lovely indie-rock single, entitled, “Lemon,” featuring Nathan Kalish

liv. is an up-and-coming singer-songwriter from Hudson Valley, New York. Not too long ago, she released a lovely indie-rock single, entitled, “Lemon,” featuring Nathan Kalish.

liv. – “Lemon” single

“I wrote this song as a coping mechanism for a breakup. Lemons are, in terms of taste, a rather sour fruit. But they actually have a very high sugar content, making them more bittersweet than anything else. I would argue that the word bittersweet is a perfect way to sum up what heartbreak is: it’s bitter because it hurts, but it’s sweet because it opens the door for something better. I wrote this song the night I got dumped, and the song was almost impossible for me to get through without hysterically sobbing by the third verse.

A few days after I wrote this song, my parents told me that as a graduation gift, they had coordinated a recording session with Van Plating. They weren’t going to tell me until Christmas (I came home in the middle of December) but they wanted to give me something to look forward to, and I was pretty down after having not the best four months. I quickly shared this song with Van in all its teary-incomprehensible glory (I’m pretty sure the voice memo I sent her had me gasping for air to hold back tears actually).” – liv. explained

“You squeezed all the juice from me,” liv. sings on “Lemon,” a perfect way to describe an “It’s not you, it’s me” breakup. The emotive tune contains a heartfelt narrative and pleasing vocals that will resonate well with fans of Brennan Leigh, Rachel Yamagata, and Fiona Apple. Also, “Lemon” possesses guitar-laden instrumentation flavored with indie-rock, alternative Country, and americana/folk elements.


liv. press photo
Photo by Scout Hunt

“When I got to Van’s studio in Lakeland, Florida, Van proposed turning this song into something a little more fast-paced and indie-rock than I had originally written it. This idea to change the song’s tone actually made me realize that the song itself is actually something that could arguably be described as a denial. This song also inspired me to cultivate a work that explores the stages of grief and growth in a relationship.

In turning this once sob story into an indie-rock-anthem, Van thought it would be cool to find a male voice to accompany mine. I remember standing in her kitchen and going through her Spotify, listening to her friend’s singing. When we heard Nathan Kalish’s, it was an instantaneous ‘that’s him’ moment. Nathan’s voice is super unique, and I feel like his vocals on this song tie everything that I wanted to convey with a pretty bow.” – liv. explained

‘Lemon” will be featured on liv.’s debut album, entitled, “Young, Dumb and in Love,” produced by Van Plating. The project examines a grim moment in everyone’s life, each song reflecting a different facet of the diamond that is the human heart.

liv. – “Lemon” single

liv. - “Lemon” cover art
Photo by Scout Hunt

We recommend adding liv.’s “Lemon” single to your favorite indie-rock playlist. Also, let us know how you feel in the comment section below. Mel Blanc’s famous catchphrase, That’s All Folks! Thanks for reading another great article on Bong Mines Entertainment – the hot spot for new music. Always remember that (P) Positive, (E) Energy, (A) Always, (C) Creates, (E) Elevation (P.E.A.C.E). Contact us on social media via Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, or Facebook, and let us know what’s going on. Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase after clicking a link, we’ll collect a share of sales or other compensation.

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