Joshua Golden - “St. Louis, Missouri” press photo

Exploring the Emotions of Joshua Golden’s “St. Louis, Missouri” Single

Joshua Golden (@golden), the evocative singer-songwriter, has captured the essence of love and loss in his latest indie-pop single, “St. Louis, Missouri,” via Unconditional. The heartfelt track celebrates first love and the bittersweet memories that accompany it. When reflecting upon heartbreak, many of us recall our first love, the heartbreak that taught us caution and resilience.

Joshua Golden – “St. Louis, Missouri”

Joshua Golden explained, “For most of us; when we think about heartbreak, our first love comes to mind. That’s the one where we loved recklessly before we were taught to protect ourselves and be cautious out of fear we’ll get hurt again. It’s this heartbreak that usually cuts the deepest.

I wrote this song about my first love/heartbreak. Even though it has been years, an experience like that leaves a deep impression. I can still remember every detail like it was yesterday. From how we used to watch Seinfeld in our sh*tty apartment, to the first time I told her I love her at the Baldwin Park in St Louis.

But this song isn’t just about heartbreak and an old flame. It’s about healing and looking back on those memories and seeing the beauty. That’s what healing is. Too often we think we’re supposed to hate our exes, but healing is remembering why you loved that person in the first place and wishing them the best. Just because you didn’t end up together, doesn’t make the time you had any less beautiful. So yes, our first love sometimes cuts the deepest, but it can also be filled with the most lessons.

I recognized that no matter where I am in the world, or who I’m with, there is still a part of me with her on my old couch in my hometown St Louis, Missouri.”

“I will always be on a couch with you.”

Joshua Golden - “St. Louis, Missouri” press photo

Each memory resembles a brushstroke on a canvas of longing, showcasing both the beauty and pain intertwined in young love. That magic can linger long after the relationship has faded, creating scars that not only hurt but also heal.

But “St. Louis, Missouri” isn’t merely about reflecting on old flames; it portrays the importance of healing. Joshua Golden articulates how one’s first heartbreak often carries profound lessons. Instead of harboring hate towards an ex, healing involves cherishing the moments shared, acknowledging their beauty, and wishing them well. Joshua emphasizes that the memories we hold should inspire gratitude, as they shape who we become.

As we navigate our lives, it’s vital to remember that although those early romances sometimes sting the most, they also provide us with invaluable insights into love and life. From the comforts of a worn-out couch to the vibrant streets of St. Louis, Joshua Golden’s music reminds us that every heartache carries the seeds of wisdom.

“Why were we so good?”

Joshua Golden - “St. Louis, Missouri” press photo

Joshua Golden makes vulnerable story-orientated music that makes you feel. It’s pop music for your heart. From as early as Joshua can remember, the question “Does the music move you emotionally?” urged him to pick up a pen, paper, and guitar to write his own destiny. Spending every waking moment in the studio, collaborating with his favorite artists, and writing songs about heartbreaks, mental health, and manifesting true love inspires his current body of work.

Joshua’s new music is intimate, and raw, and encompasses the polarity of falling in love with someone who doesn’t love themselves. Joshua lets listeners in on his most vulnerable self in hopes of meaningful connection and inspiring others to do the same.

Joshua Golden

Joshua Golden - “St. Louis, Missouri” press photo

“The first step to healing is by being honest and vulnerable with ourselves and each other,” Joshua stated. In this chapter, Joshua reinvents what it means to be a rockstar by leading with his heart and creating music with a purpose. His music style falls comfortably between Harry Styles, Noah, Kahan, and Post Malone, blending acoustic vibes with his edgy pop melodies, sultry lyrics, and genre-bending production.

Joshua has amassed over 250 million global streams and built up a robust and loyal social following totaling 1.2 million between TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube. Recently signed to Mike Caren’s publishing powerhouse APG, Joshua has since collaborated with marquee artists like Charlie Puth, Selena Gomez, Jesse J., DJ Snake, G-Eazy, 24kGoldn, Jason Derulo, Jennifer Lopez, Tiesto, Illenium, Ava Max, ONE OK ROCK, and KYLE.

Joshua Golden – “St. Louis, Missouri” Single

Joshua Golden - “St. Louis, Missouri” cover art

We recommend adding Joshua Golden’s “St. Louis, Missouri” single to your favorite indie pop playlist. We would love to hear your thoughts! Please comment below and let us know how this song makes you feel. Remember, your feedback helps us bring you more of the music you love. As always, thanks for reading another great article on Bong Mines Entertainment. We’re your go-to source for new music and positive entertainment news. Remember, (P)ositive (E)nergy (A)lways (C)reates (E)levation—P.E.A.C.E.

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