Intellectual Property Rights for Bong Mines Entertainment and its partner companies.


To the best of our ability, we strive to maintain a copyright-infringement-free website. Therefore, we receive submissions in good faith. Also, we hope that the submitted materials are cleared to be published.

But in rare instances where copyrighted content, although unknowingly to us, is published on our site, we urged the copyright owner to notify us promptly at Also, any infringement on our part isn’t intentional but coincidental. We apologize for any mishap caused by our publication because infringing our other’s rights isn’t our intent.


  1. Name of the copyright owner.
  2. A description of the infringed copyrighted work.
  3. The URL to the infringed content.
  4. Your contact information.

In conclusion, after further investigation, we will gladly remove any infringed content, or add the right credit to a content. Also, check out our PRIVACY POLICY for more information.

Contact us on social media via TwitterYouTubeInstagram, or Facebook, and let us know how you feel. Remember, your feedback helps us bring you more of what you love to discover. As always, thanks for visiting Bong Mines, your go-to source for new music and positive entertainment news. Remember, (P)ositive (E)nergy (A)lways (C)reates (E)levation—P.E.A.C.E. and don’t forget to become a Patron of Bong Mines Entertainment.