Felicia Lu press photo

Felicia Lu releases a lovely alternative-pop tune, entitled, “Anxiety”

Felicia Lu is a rising German singer-songwriter based in Vienna, Austria. Not too long ago, she released a lovely alternative-pop tune, entitled, “Anxiety,” produced by Dany Weisz.

Felicia Lu – “Anxiety” single

“All those voices can’t ignore them. I have no choice left, I’m falling again. Yeah, I feel them crawling under my skin. I hear them calling, how it begins. They see me strong but I’m giving in. My mind is leaving me behind. Closed eyes hoping they won’t find every very piece of me that’s ever been inside of me. I’m trying all my best to get rid of my anxiety. I’ve tried keeping it inside. I lied about where the voices hide.” – lyrics

‘Anxiety’ contains a relatable narrative, ear-pleasing vocals, and tuneful melodies. The likable tune possesses guitar-laden instrumentation flavored with electro and alternative-pop elements. Furthermore, “Anxiety” follows on the heels of Felicia Lu’s previously released single, entitled, “In Your Hands.”

“I just cannot reach the ground when I think I am insane. It is starting again like my mind’s their damn playground.”

Felicia Lu - “Anxiety” press photo

“‘Anxiety’ is a song I wrote one late night in the studio with thoughts racing through my mind, uncontrollable overthinking, trying to overcome anxiety itself. I wanted to capture my process of fighting it and tried to put the feeling into the song with fast, rushing thoughts represented by the fast and wordy post-chorus.” – Felicia Lu explained

Felicia Lu is a multi-talented artist when it comes to music in all forms. She plays several instruments, writes her own songs, produces, and sings. In 2014, Lu made it to the finals of the RTL Talent show, Rising Star. In 2017, she made it to the finals of the German preselection for the Eurovision Song Contest. Since then, she’s been releasing original music.

“Anxiety” single

Felicia Lu - “Anxiety” song cover art

We recommend adding Felicia Lu’s “Anxiety” single to your favorite alternative-pop playlist. Also, let us know how you feel in the comment section below. Mel Blanc’s famous catchphrase, “That’s All Folks!” Thanks for reading another great article on Bong Mines Entertainment – the hot spot for new music. Furthermore, always remember that (P) Positive, (E) Energy, (A) Always, (C) Creates, (E) Elevation (P.E.A.C.E).

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